Social Media Policy

MONOPOLY DREAMS Melbourne encourages comments and posts on our social media channels. We welcome discussion and debate, but comments should be respectful of others. Comments are typically moderated during business hours. Out of hours comments will be moderated where a post of issue may be particularly sensitive.

Comments will be blocked and/or deleted that:

  • Do not treat other users with respect and courtesy and behave in an appropriate way for a civil online forum.
  • Contain material that is offensive, threatening, harassing, defamatory, discriminatory, fraudulent, infringing or unlawful.
  • Contain material that is misleading, erroneous or disparaging of the actions and decisions of others.
  • Contain material that is deliberately disruptive (for example, trolling)
  • Include commercial or advertising material.
  • Include any material or encourage any conduct that would constitute a criminal offence or give rise to civil liability.
  • Does not respect the privacy of others.

If you breach these guidelines we may, at our sole discretion:

  • Remove or refuse to post any material you have submitted.
  • Suspend or permanently block you from using the MONOPOLY DREAMS Melbourne social media channels.
  • Report your conduct to the owner of the relevant social media platform and/or to any appropriate law enforcement authorities.
  • Take any other action, including legal action, which we consider to be appropriate.